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Divider Elements in the Elements Library

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The Divider Element can be found in the General view of the Elements Library. The Divider Element is the First Element Listed.

Divider Elements in the Sheet Panel


Divider Elements in the Sheet Editor


By using 3 consecutive dashes or underscores in any Text Element, you will be able to create a Line Divider within the body of the text. Alternatively, you may drag and drop the divider element from the Elements LIbrary into the Sheet Editor Column.

3 ways to add a Divider:

How to use the Divider Element

The third column in the Sheet Builder is called the Sheet Editor. You cannot edit the sheet in the Sheet Preview which includes the Table of Contents as well as the Sheet Preview.

Any changes you wish to make to a Sheet must be done in the Sheet Editor. The column to the left of the Sheet Editor is the Sheet Preview. This is a live preview of the changes made in the Sheet Editor.