What’s on this Page?

Inviting your Friends

Once you create and name your room you’ll be presented with two ways to invite players to the table. Either by sending them a link directly to the room or by inviting them via email.

Additionally, if you would like to invite players after you’ve created the room, an invite button can be found in the upper right-hand corner of any table or you can simply copy the URL of the room you’re in and send an invite to another player, provided that your game host did not set a password for the Game Room Ahead of time.

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Game Room Sheet Selector

In the left-hand column, there will be premade Sheets available for them to choose from.


Role Players can Preview them by clicking the View button next to the Sheet Icon and Sheet Name and within that panel, if they wish to import that Sheet, they should hit the Play Button in the image below:

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New Room Sheet Loading

If you are starting a table from scratch and not using one of our pre-made game rooms, we recommend you teach your players how to use the Sheet Builder or that as the Game Host, you give them a sheet you’ve created after they’ve joined the table.


To learn more about Custom Sheets and how they work, please see the Loading Sheets Guide.