What’s on This Page?

<aside> ⚠️ All featured games come complete with premium game rooms and custom play materials to make running your next game as easy and immersive as possible. Once purchased, all downloadable content is yours to keep - all DRM-free!


Once you’ve signed up for an account and logged in, you will be redirected to the Games tab on Role.

Here you will find a marketplace of games, some free and others purchasable. They can. be previewed by clicking the Free Preview button.

Navigation Bar on Role:


Games: Where you can find Game Assets, Game Rooms, and discover new games.

Rooms: This is where your existing Game Rooms are located.

Play Materials: Where you can find your Sheets, Editable Sheets (Templates), and Game Assets including PDFs, Maps, Tokens, and Images.

Sheet Search: Where you can locate any public Sheets made by other Role Users.

New Game Room: Create a New Room. This room will be empty upon creation and its creator will need to add any digital assets they wish to be a part of the Room.

Settings: Access the settings menu for your account.

Role Username: This is your User Name which can be changed in your Settings.

Player Thumbnail: The thumbnail of your profile photo which can be changed in your Settings.

Games on Role


The Games on Role can be found in two places. The first place is the Games Marketplace where you’ll find games that can be purchased or free games that already have pre-made Game Rooms. After purchasing a game you’ll be given the option to create a Game Room for the purchased Game. Additionally, you’ll be able to find and download the game's corresponding assets under the Play Materials Tab.

Rooms on Role

Rooms on Role can be created as New Rooms by clicking the Pink/Purple button in the upper right-hand corner of the Games Tab. A regular Room requires more set-up by a Game Host as they’ll need to upload the digital assets the players need as well as the rules PDFS and if the players do not yet know how to play on Role, they may need their Game Host’s support in learning the ropes. Additionally, it is advisable that the Game Host learns how to Give Sheets to Players.

What is a Room?

Rooms are the primary place where you’ll be video conferencing with your friends.