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How to use the Slot Element

The Slots Element is a group of On/OFF switches for tracking individual resources. This could be representative of Spell Slots, hit points, death saves, or any other resource.

Slot Element in the Element Library

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Slot Element in the Sheet Panel


Slot Element in the Sheet Editor


Advanced Settings

To access advanced settings in a ____ Element hover over the upper right-hand corner of a ___ Element located in the Sheet Editor. Upon hovering your mouse over it, you should see a gear icon appear which will allow you to access the advanced ____ settings which include:


Adding a Toggle to the Slot Element

To add a Toggle to the Text element open the advanced options of the Text Element in the Sheet Editor Column.

Once that option is opened you can click the “Add Toggle” button in the Text Options. Once clicked the “Add Toggle Link” option will appear in the Text Options. Toggles might be used in a way that unlocks additional skills, abilities, or text and when lit up, it can indicate to a player that they now have the ability to use that feature. They can also be linked to other Elements in a sheet as long as those sheet elements ALSO have the Toggle Turned on in the Advanced Options.

Toggles, at this time, can only be linked to other Toggles and will not link to pools or buffs.
