What’s on this page:
Where do I do this?
On the right-hand side of any Room in the Sheet Panel, you’ll find the option to import sheets. If you already have a sheet there, you’ll need to click the Sheet Selector button at the top of the Sheet Panel to add another Sheet.
Now you can take that 37th character you’ve made in D&D Beyond and bring it to a Role table near you! With the new D&D Beyond Character Sheet Import, a read-only version of your character will be accessible from the side panel.
You will be able to read any information you have about your current character, however, they will not be linked to **Dice Rolls** or Buffs in the same way a standard Role Sheet would be.
If you want to create a Role Sheet, you can do so one of two ways.
💡 Tip: Make sure the sheet you want to import is public, otherwise you cannot import it!

What to expect
- Any public character sheet can be imported to Role, right in the room you are playing in. The character sheet will also be accessible from your Dashboard.
- The sheet will be in a public, read-only mode - this means you will be able to see most of your character sheet (actions, inventory, spells, and more) but you will not be able to edit any aspects of your character. Additionally, you will not be able to click on the search icon or the top right menu button while viewing your character in the Room.
- If you’d like to edit your sheet, click the “Open D&D Beyond” button underneath the sheet which will open the Sheet on the D&D Beyond website in a new tab.
Import a Character
- Enter your Game Room
- If you already have a Sheet in the Game Room, click the “+” symbol near the top.
- Select the CUSTOM tab at the top and you should see a new third option to “Import from D&D Beyond”
- Paste or type in either the URL of your character sheet from D&D Beyond OR the ID of your character sheet. For example
- https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/78151091 (Regular Link) - from the address bar while viewing your character sheet
- 78151091 (ID) - from the address bar as well, you can just copy the number code and paste that into the import field
- ddb.ac/characters/78151091/NtocFl (Shareable Link) - while viewing your character sheet on D&D Beyond, there is a share button you click on that reveals your unique Shareable Link

What to do if your character sheet is private?
- Go to your character sheet directly on the D&D Beyond website.
- To the right of your character’s name, there is a “Manage” button. Click this to reveal a side panel of options.
- In the panel, under the “My Character” options, click “Character Settings”
- Lastly, scroll to the bottom where you should see a dropdown option under “Character Privacy.” Switch the dropdown from “Private” to “Public.”