Once your application to the Creator’s Program has been approved you will receive an email from Role detailing the next steps and unlocking your Stripe Onboarding. Once you receive this email confirmation you can begin to start uploading and selling your products on Role!
<aside> 👉🏽 You must be accepted into the Creators Program before you can upload game products.
This page contains the steps necessary to submit a game for a release on Role.
<aside> ❓ Do all products need a themed room and game sheets?
Answer: No! You are only required to create a themed room and sheets for an original product or core game. Other products such as adventures, art packs, map packs, and supplements can be uploaded without theming. However, themed rooms and sheets are a great value-add to your customers, and Role encourages you to create them whenever possible or appropriate!
Start a new blank game room. Click on the Create button in the top left of your Dashboard and select Create Game Room. This room should be given a clear name that matches the core game product being submitted. Please do not set a password for the room.
Set room theme. Upload a high-res background image (we recommend 1920 x 1080 at minimum), set room theme colors, and player colors.
Learn more about setting up a Room Theme here.
Upload all FREE Play Materials. Upload any/all game materials you wish to have included for FREE with the game room on Role. Note: PAID products are submitted in Step 2
Create and add game sheets. You can create & include any number of custom sheets for your game.
Create Pre-Gens. You can also include any pre-gen characters/sheets you wish to have available on Role.
Each Pre-gen should be clearly labeled with “PREGEN” in the sheet name.
Each Pre-gen should be added to the room under your account,
<aside> ⬆️ If a Pregen sheet is set to public or private that will be the default status when someone uses it. So if a sheet is private, and then in a game room someone uses that Pregen it will start off as private, same if it is public.
Pre-gens will appear in the Premade Sheets list for players to select when they use your custom room.
Copy the Room Link. Once the room is ready for submission, please copy the room link and proceed to Submit Paid Products (Step 2).