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Dropdown Element in Element Library

CleanShot 2022-08-22 at 17.59.11@2x.png

Where is the Dropdown Element?

In the Elements Library under the General View, you’ll find the Dropdown Element 2nd from the top.


How to use the Dropdown Element on Role

The Dropdown Element in the Elements Library allows you to integrate a dropdown box into your player sheet.

Dropdown Elements can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from character building to keeping track of loot boxes, a list of available spells, or even heist name suggestions for campaigns that have yet to be run. As a creative, the sky's the limit when making your sheets on Role.


Sheet Builder Guide

Divider Element

Dropdown Element

Field Element

Group Element

Image Element

Notes Element

Points Element

Pool Element

Clock Element

Buff Element

Field & Buff Element

Reference Element

Text Element

Slots Element