Welcome to Role’s Guide and FAQ Section! We're here to answer your questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Send our support team a note at [email protected]!

<aside> 🚧 The Role Guide and FAQ is a living document and is always a work in progress.


What is on this Page:

Searching on Role

Learn to use Role

Sheets Guide

Role Glossary

Player Guide

Sheet Builder

Rooms Guide

Game Host Guide

Owlbear Rodeo Integration

Role Creators Program

Games on Role

How to Redeem Kickstarter Games

Navigating PlayRole.com

Buying Games on Role

Safety Tools

Frequently Asked Questions

D&D Beyond: Character Import

Why Choose Role

Welcome to Role, the easiest place to play your next tabletop RPG online.

Role is the perfect platform for anyone looking to play theatre of the mind tabletop role-playing games. We offer a variety of tools as a platform that will help you share your stories and our interface is easy to use and intuitive for new users.

About Role Rooms:

At Role, we believe in a people-first approach which is why we put people right in the front and center of your Room.

On the left-hand side of a Room you’ll find sheets, similar to having a paper character sheet at a table, but considerably more robust and dynamic. You can keep any number of sheets you’d like at a table and they are fully customizable in our Sheet Builder.

On the right-hand side of a Room is the Play Panel which contains 3 panels that control Dice Rolls, Game Assets, and the Room Chat.

Role Rooms Guide

The essential guide every Role Player and Game Host will read so they understand the functionality of their Rooms.


Additional Role Guides

The core things you need to know as a Role Player might be different than what you need to know as a Role Host. The Role Rooms Guide is essential reading for any Role Player or Game Host.

Player Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Game Host Guide

Role Sheet Builder Guide

Markdown Guide